Pelvic Floor Class with Baby (ENG)
up to 100% reimbursement by health insurance possible, 8 x 60 min, Mar-Apr
Freie Plätze
Indoor, incl. postnatal guide with checklist, exercise videos, information material and hand-made toy for little one. ❤️ When shall you attend earliest? Approx. 3-6 weeks after vaginal birth, approx. 6-8 weeks after cesarean section. The postpartum pelvic floor course supports the body in recovering and becoming fit again. It creates the basis for long-term physical strength and shapes a strong body core! It is probably the most exciting time of your life and miofit combines sports and the social component with each other - in the center of Düsseldorf :). Why should you choose miofit besides the customized and certified programs? - 100% of the participants of the English pelvic floor class would recommend it to their friend - modern pelvic floor exercises - extra videos, handouts and training plans to make your training routine easier - social network: it is important to me that we are not "just doing sports". I want to create a network for you - super central - a lot of passion and authenticity from a mother to other mothers - holistic health view
Bevorstehende Sessions
Umbuchung & Kündigung
Anmeldungen zu den Trainings bitte spätestens 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn (Rückbildungskurse von Regelung ausgeschlossen/no extra registrations necessary for postnatal exercise classes). Für das Absagen gebuchter Kurse gilt eine Frist von 12 Stunden vor Kursbeginn. Danach wird trotz Nichterscheinen eine volle Stunde vom Stundenkonto des Kunden abgezogen. Für die Stornierung des Rückbildungskurses gilt eine Kündigungsfrist von 14 Tagen vor Kursbeginn.